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Hart Orthodontics team

Traveling with Invisalign? Here’s What You Should Know

December 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — hartorthosmiles @ 9:13 pm
person holding Invisalign clear aligner

The holiday season is officially in full swing! If you live away from home, you may be traveling to visit your loved ones in the coming months. Traveling while undergoing Invisalign treatment may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be that way at all! There are many steps you can take to help you stay on track with your treatment plan. With that in mind, a dentist in Cleburne shares a few ways you can stick with the program.


How to Keep Your Kids Cavity-Free This Halloween!

September 17, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — hartorthosmiles @ 6:55 am
Children trick-or-treating

Now that the spooky season is nearly here, that means all sorts of exciting activities. They include carving pumpkins, putting together fun costumes, and eating tons of candy! However, there is a downside to Halloween time, and that is tooth decay. Too much sugar consumption can lead to a mouthful of cavities. Here are some tips to help your child enjoy everything that comes along this time of year without needing to spend extra time in the dental chair.


Can I Play Sports with Braces or Invisalign?

August 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — hartorthosmiles @ 3:35 pm
Smiling girl with basketball playing sports with braces

Undergoing an orthodontic treatment can improve your health, appearance, and quality of life in the long run. In the meantime, however, you’ll need to make certain adjustments to your day-to-day life while straightening your smile. Whether you have braces or Invisalign, it’s essential that you take certain precautions to keep your treatment on track, especially when it comes to staying active. Here’s what you need to know about playing sports with braces or Invisalign.


Can You Use Your Old Retainer to Restraighten Your Teeth?

July 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — hartorthosmiles @ 7:31 pm
Closeup of a blue retainer from your Cleburne orthodontist

Did you wear braces or Invisalign earlier in life, but have found that your teeth have slowly become more crooked since then? Orthodontic treatments have the potential to straighten your smile for life, but that’s only if you wear your retainer as instructed afterwards. If you’ve neglected wearing your retainer, your teeth may gradually shift out of position once again! Now that they have, should you start wearing your old retainer again? The answer might surprise you! Read on as your Cleburne orthodontist explains what you should do next.


Must-Know Tips for Preventing Mouth Sores with Braces

June 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — hartorthosmiles @ 8:30 pm
Closeup of girl with braces smiling

Overlapping, gapped, and misaligned teeth are just a few of the many orthodontic issues that braces can address head-on. In fact, the traditional metal brackets and wires can fix everything from a minor gap to severely rotated teeth. There is, however, one drawback: mouth sores. Fortunately, this is largely avoidable with the right best practices in place. With this in mind, keep reading for four tips for preventing mouth sores with braces.


3 Signs That Your Kid May Need Braces

May 14, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — hartorthosmiles @ 2:59 pm
child with braces

Your child is growing up so fast. It seems like they just got their baby teeth in yesterday and now the Tooth Fairy is visiting your home! As a responsible parent, you think about your child’s future and want to do everything you can to make sure they get what they need. When their permanent teeth start coming in, you wonder whether they will need braces. How can you know whether you need to see an orthodontist or not? Read on to learn about the signs indicating the need for braces for children!


5 Instruments to Use When Cleaning Your Braces On the Go

April 16, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — hartorthosmiles @ 7:13 pm
a young female showing off her beautiful smile while wearing metal braces

Whether you’re at home or on the go, keeping your teeth and metal braces in tip-top shape is necessary. Inevitably, you will find yourself in a situation that requires the removal of food from between your brackets and wires, so if you want to better prepare yourself for these potential predicaments, an orthodontist shares 5 dental instruments that you should keep nearby to effectively clean your appliances and maintain optimal oral health throughout treatment.


3 Reasons to Celebrate Orthodontic Assistants this Week

March 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — hartorthosmiles @ 6:58 pm
Orthodontic assistant

When you go to the orthodontist, you probably don’t think about all of the work that your orthodontic assistant puts in to make the appointment run as smoothly as possible. They do a lot more in the office than you probably even expected. The first week of March is Dental Assistance Recognition Week, so there is no better time to think of all of the reasons why your orthodontic assistant deserves your appreciation. Here are a few of the important responsibilities that they have on a daily basis.


Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month with New Dental Products!

February 7, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — hartorthosmiles @ 5:38 pm
Girl with braces smiles during National Children’s Dental Health Month

Did you know that February is recognized as National Children’s Dental Health Month? As such, there’s no better time to stop and appreciate your little one’s precious smile. It’s important that you give your child the right tools to keep their oral health on track as they grow, especially if they’re undergoing orthodontic treatment. Not only will the right products make their oral hygiene habits more effective, but they can even make daily dental care fun! Here are some fun new products to try this February to keep your little one’s smile happy and healthy.


Wondering What It Feels Like to Get Braces? Read This!

January 19, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — hartorthosmiles @ 5:27 pm
Dentist examining patient's braces during appointment

For decades, both metal braces and clear aligners have helped patients leave crooked, crowded, or gapped teeth in the past. However, if it has been years since you’ve undergone orthodontic treatment or this is your first time, you may be wondering what it feels like to get braces. To help ease your concerns, keep reading for what to expect from your first appointment to your final visit!

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