When you are thinking about buying a vehicle, it’s always a great idea to test drive it first. Instead of just assuming you’ll like something, you should take a closer look before purchasing it. While you can’t exactly test drive clear aligners to straighten your teeth since they are custom-made for your mouth, just keep reading to find out from your orthodontist in Cleburne what to know before getting Invisalign.
Get Used to Brushing Often
It’s best to brush your teeth after eating anything, so be ready with your toothbrush about 3-6 times per day. Also having floss with you on the go is even better. Best practices like these will keep your teeth healthy and your aligners clear!
Cold Water is the Way to Go
When your Invisalign is in, stick to cold water or clear sparkling water. Other beverages will stain and/or lead to plaque buildup.
Whitening is Not an Option
You shouldn’t be doing teeth whitening treatments with Invisalign, especially if you have attachments. Luckily, brushing your teeth often and avoiding stain-causing beverages should keep your enamel looking good.
Don’t Plan on Wearing Lipstick
Colored lip gloss and lipstick can easily stick to aligners and attachments. Fortunately, clear lip balm and gloss are still viable options. Just be sure to clean your aligners regularly to remove any waxy residue.
You’ll Need Your Real Fingernails
To easily remove your aligners, you’ll probably need the help of your fingernails. If you love getting manicures, opt for a specialty tool like OrthoKey.
Kissing Can Be Awkward
As you adjust to your new aligners, you may experience a bit of a learning curve when it comes to kissing. Be patient with yourself or, if you have already met your 22-hour minimum for the day, feel free to remove them!
Expect to Receive Some Attachments
Attachments are enamel-colored ridges that click into Invisalign aligners to help teeth move effectively. When you are using the attachments, it looks like you have clear braces. The number of them recommended for each person varies. Don’t worry though – they are just as discreet as your trays.
Recommended Wear Time is 22 Hours Per Day
You should wear your aligners unless you are eating, so it’s important to pack an aligner case and a travel-size toothbrush when you leave home. If eating three times per day still leaves you a bit hungry, perhaps introduce a protein smoothie into each meal.
You’ll Finish Up with Refinement Aligners
After your initial set of aligners is complete, you’ll be given refinement aligners to correct any teeth that are slightly off.
Despite any extra effort Invisalign may require, it gets results when patients stick to the program for 22 hours of daily wear. Let your Cleburne orthodontist know about any questions or concerns you might have because the perfect smile you’ve always wanted will be worth the short-term changes!
About the Author
Dr. James Hart earned his dental doctorate from Baylor College of Dentistry. During an orthodontic residency, he graduated top of his class with a Master of Science from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. Dr. Hart has strived to provide top-tier orthodontic care for more than four decades. Now that you are more informed on what to know before getting Invisalign, also consider that it is discreet while offering comfort and convenience. An iTero Digital Scanner delivers a 3D model of your mouth so that your aligners will be very precise. You can schedule an appointment on our website or by calling (817) 645-2432.